

HIV: Symptoms and Prevention

Hiv is a serious infectious disease. There are many ways of transmission of Hiv, such as blood transmission, mother-to-child transmission, sexual transmission and so on. In order to prevent the spread of Hiv, we need to understand the symptoms of Hiv and how to prevent it.
First of all, the symptoms of Hiv are divided into early symptoms and late symptoms. Early symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Late symptoms include recurrent fever, cough, diarrhea, and lymph node enlargement. If these symptoms occur,  should be go to Hiv rapid test firstly
If the result is positive, be sure go to further PCR test.

Take some precautions to avoid the spread of Hiv. First of all, avoid sexual contact with HIV-infected people or sharing syringes. Secondly, the use of condoms can effectively reduce the risk of infection. In addition, regular HIV testing is also very important, especially for high-risk groups, such as having multiple sexual partners or injecting drugs. Finally, HIV cannot be transmitted through everyday contact, sharing food or water, so we should not be overly concerned.

Post time: Mar-28-2024